Dr. Dror is the Joel Wilbush Chair in Medical Anthropology, and is head of the Department of the History of Medicine in the Medical Faculty. He received his MD from Ben-Gurion University, and his Ph D in history of science/medicine from Princeton. His research focuses on the history of the study of pain, pleasure, and the emotions during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and on the inter-relationships between science and culture. His current book-project is on the history of the study of states of extreme pain and/or pleasure during the post WW-II period.
Sample of research publications:
Otniel E. Dror, Blush, Adrenaline, Excitement: Modernity and the Study of Emotions, 1860-1940.
Otniel E. Dror, "The Affect of Experiment: The Turn to Emotions in Anglo-American Physiology, 1900-1940," Isis 90 (June 1999): 205-237.
Reprinted in: Kultur im Experiment (Kadmos-Verlag Berlin).
Otniel E. Dror, "The Scientific Image of Emotion: Experience and Technologies of Inscription," Configurations 7 (September 1999): 355-401.
Otniel E. Dror, "Counting the Affects: Discoursing in Numbers," Social Research 68 (Summer 2001): 357-378.
Otniel E. Dror, "Techniques of the Brain and the Paradox of Emotions, 1880-1930," Science in Context 14 (Winter 2001): 643-660.
Otniel E. Dror, "Anatomy and Physiology: Twentieth Century," in Brian S. Baigrie (ed.), History of Modern Science and Mathematics Volume I (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2002), pp. 213-227.
Otniel E. Dror, "Deceiving Bodies: Metaphor, Knowledge, and Nerves," in Celine Kaiser, Marie-Luise Wunsche (eds.), Die "Nervositat der Juden" und andere Leiden an der Zivilisation (Munchen & Wien: Ferdinand Schoningh, 2003), pp. 57-74.
Otniel E. Dror, "'Voodoo Death': Fantasy, Excitement, and the Untenable Boundaries of Biomedical Science," in Robert D. Johnston (ed.), The Politics of Healing: Essays in the Twentieth-century History of North American Alternative Medicine (Routledge 2004), pp. 71-81, 328-331.
Otniel E. Dror, "Is the Mind a Scientific Object of Study?: Lessons from History," in Christina E. Erneling, David M. Johnson (eds.), The Mind as a Scientific Object: Between Brain and Culture (Oxford University Press 2004), pp. 101-117.
Otniel E. Dror, "Dangerous Liaisons: Science, Amusement, and the Civilizing Process," in Penelope Gouk, Helen Hills (eds.), Representing Emotions: New Connections in the Histories of Art, Music and Medicine (Ashgate 2005), pp. 223-234.
Otniel E. Dror, "Fear and Loathing in the Laboratory and Clinic," in Fay
Bound Alberti (ed.), Medicine, Emotions and Disease, 1700-1950 (New
York: Palgrave, 2006), pp. 125-143